Mar 27, 2009

7 AM

I'm taking our dog for her morning walk at about 7 AM. last night we changed our time to summer clock, and so in fact today it was at 6 AM. 6 AM!! outside! no coffee!!! At least I managed to not forget my camera.

that's our yard. We have to move away soon, I'll be missing it. Even though we haven't managed to take good care of it.

At the end of our street there are fields and a quarry.

So much of what grows wild at the edges of the fields is edible. wild fennel, oats, mustard and some who's names I don't know in English and probably more that I don't even know about. Here's some yummy, sweet smelling fennel and some oats:

The wheat is still green, it's just the sun and dew drops that make it look ripe.

I hope these images will keep my mood up for the coming week. My partner is going to China for the whole week, I'm having a cold and generally I'm on low energy. I wish I could snap my fingers just like Mary Poppins and have this week over with.


  1. Hi Ibi, those are the waves of live, aren't they. I felt so tiried in January, didn't do anything creative the whole month and got a so called frozen shoulder, which hurt. I so longed to feel energetic. So I sent you mental support from over here. And just take it one day at the time, next week.
    Loved the photo's.
    Greetings, Ria

  2. thank you Ria!! I guess you're right. hope you're feeling better by now.

  3. Hi Ibi,
    Yes, I'm over it now. I even started a blog, maybe you'd like to read it. It's called
    Greetings, Ria

  4. Hi Ibi,
    Thanks for comenting on my blog. I love to know what Pelle means in Hebrew. And so appropriate. We waited 8 years for him to come. Maybe someday I'll tell more about that in my blog. When I turned 40 we decided to give up trying getting pregnant and settle down for a life with the both of us. One year and one day later Pelle was born...
    I love your blog, somehow you touch me. Keep hanging on, this week (not so much day alone anymore).

  5. thank you Ria, you warm my heart. Ori is coming back earlier than expected and will be here friday... we all need his presence.
    I love your kind of pregnancy stories, indeed his name suits him.
