Feb 28, 2011

autumn to winter to spring

some images from the past months.

I made this stork mobile for my son's class' nature corner, for Autumn.. it's a while ago, I know.
it was fun and the kids helped with the glue.

I wanted to make a raincoat out of a plastic table map.
this was the first one:
it lasted one wearing and then tore completely. the backing was made of paper.

then I found this sort of - I suppose that's what oilcloth is - in Ikea, and made one for each of my bigger kids and one for my son's friend. but I only have my daughter's photographed:
the boys' are dark blue with white dots and with no lace. naturally. sadly, there isn't that much rain around here...

Amalia and I made this little fairy boat in our back yard one afternoon:

Thea and her blanket:

A winter walk to the beach:

And a walk in the forest nearby:
